Raise your hand if you've ever watched Toddlers & Tiara's. I know everyone stares at the train wreck as they pass, for this reason, and this reason alone, I can say I too have seen Toddlers & Tiara's. I've also watched Honey Boo Boo completely by accident. I was not in control of the remote at the time. I do not find the "Smell my Breath and Guess my Name" game amusing. Blehkkk, I just puked a little...
All I can think of when I watch these is how screwed up these kids are gonna be in the very near future. Ugh, complete exploitation of these little girls. And along those lines, this video of Tom Hanks and his daughter is freakin hilarious....teehee.
First and foremost, yes, I know that Happiness is spelled with an I. Moving on...
This week has been a good week for me I suppose. Not much to bring me down. Got to go to a wedding (which I usually don't like) and hang out with friends from the good ole days. I miss those good ole days, back when days were good and didn't suck.
So in honor of a decent week and friends I am gonna play some not sad music for once. I would also like to point out that these songs make ME happy. If it is not the same for you, I apologize in an ironic way.
As a side note I am also thinking of making the "official" TTT track number each week 8 songs. This is actually because 8tracks.com requires at least 8 tracks for a playlist. I was thinking of doing separate playlists instead of updating one. I would like to know what you guys think of this idea. I need feedback. Give me feedback.
Here's this weeks list. Enjoy. Is it sad that I am jamming my own playlist while I type this?
If you haven't seen Drive yet. Go watch it. Ryan Gosling was amazing in it. It's streaming on Netflix. I'll wait. OK now this song is one of my favorite parts of that whole movie. It is a great feeling song and a wonderful backdrop for that movie. This is A Real Hero by College & Electric Youth. Also there's a little eye candy for you lady folk up top (As if you didn't notice). You're welcome.
It's KiD CuDi not Kid Cudi...duh...
This is a song that was cover by a group called Lissie. I also love that cover version but there is something about this version I just love. Even if you don't generally dig rap this song is great. I have a habit of singing it at the top of my lungs while I am home alone, much to the detriment of my neighbors I am sure. This is Pursuit of Happiness by KiD CuDi.
Kick Start My Heart
I have mentioned my love for The Avett Brothers in previous iterations of TTT. This is just one of those upbeat songs that just gets stuck in your head and you play 4 times in a row and pray to GOD that you don't burn yourself out on it (I'm looking at you Sherry *points*). This is Kick Drum Heart by The Avett Brothers.
Lumière Loves The Lumineers While I am not actually aware if the Frenchman of Beauty And The Beast fame likes this song, come on, listen to it...he must... This is just one of those songs that from the first time I have heard it I had it on my iPod. This is Ho Hey by The Lumineers.
Electric Light Montage
I feel like this would be the music to a montage of my non-existent daughter growing up. I am sure it has been used in this regard at some point in some movie that I have logged in my sub-conscience. It is just one of those songs to get you up and moving about when you are having a rough day. It is an oldie, but a definite goodie, this is Mr. Blue Sky by The Electric Light Orchestra.
That's it for this week kids. Once again let me know if you like the idea of 8 tracks a week or if you wanna keep around where we have been (roughly). I could also make separate playlists by week and then just have a megamix. Thoughts for another day. Leave me comments in the box below and feed my ego letting me know you care. KKNY signing off. Poof.
Hello, Hello, Hello all. Welcome again to another Thuper Thong Thurthday. This week I'm gonna try something a little different, and a little more of the same.
This weeks theme is One You Know And One You Don't. I am going to post a popular song by an artist and then a song I like that you may, or may not, know.
I am also going to try something new this week I am going to make a playlist of all of the Thuper Thong Thurthday (TTT) songs that I have done thus far. Each week I will be adding to the playlist so you can hear the new stuff, then the old if you wish. I am going to be using a site called 8tracks. Hopefully this works. We will see. I will also be posting the videos like I normally do if ya just wanna watch, I know I do.
If you haven't jumped on the Ellie Goulding train yet, come aboard. This Brit has got her electronic pop pants tied tight (too much?) Anyway, this is a super catchy song that has been making its way around radio stations all over the country. This is Lights.
One Ya Don't
So far this is my absolute favorite track from her album Lights. It is a great song, with a great hook. If Lights doesn't get you on board, Every Time You Go certainly will...
One You Know
Contrary to popular belief electronic pop group La Roux is a duo not just an androgynous chick with some wicked red hair. Elly Jackson & Ben Langmaid make up the group that spits out some sickeningly catchy pop tunes. This is their first US single, Bulletproof.
One You Don't
This song is hands down one of my favorite songs of all time. Not to mention my favorite from the CD. The harmonies. The music. The feeling and emotion in her voice. A new classic as far as I'm concerned. This is Cover My Eyes.
One You Know
Neon Trees is one of those bands that just grabbed me from the first time I heard them. I am a complete sucker for simple pop songs. Neon Trees delivers these with brute force. The lead singer, Tyler Glenn, has one of my favorite voices of any singer in pop music. This is Animal. You may recognize it...
One You Don't
Now this song is what I usually listen to IMMEDIATELY after Cover My Eyes. I think they just have a nice flow together and I just love both of these songs so very much. I hope I don't overplay them (I'm close) I don't ever want to be sick of them. This is Close To You.
One You Know
While having the honor of having the longest band name on our list Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros are most definitely a unique group. They have a very family-music sound. They even seem that way if you see them play live. They have a definitely unusual website, so click that link. As per the others I just really enjoy the vocalists and the minimalist-ness of it all. Epic but bare. Home is a song that has been on many TV shows. So you may recognize it, you may not...either way...
One You Don't
Did I mention there isn't even anyone in the band named Edward Sharpe?? I just love that fact. This song is called 40 Day Dream, and definitely one of my favs.
Well that's it for this week folks. Tell me what you though of the mix, and the addition of the playlist, in the comments below...
This is Kenny from KKNY at the sound studio of Bandit Is Sleeping On My Hand signing off...Good Luck. Over and out.
So. Apparently Tom Hanks will be making his broadway debut next year in Nora Ephron's play The Lucky Guy. Suhweet. He will be playing a journalist and that's the extent of my knowledge on this play. But really, I don't care what it's about. It's Tom Hanks!! And Nora Ephron!!! Gotta be good. Previews in March of 2012 and opening April 1st. Which happens to be perfect timing. I have to work ungodly hours for tax season so I can't have a life again until April 16th anyway. So it's as if it were meant to be. (Just like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in Sleepless in Seattle...mtb.."It's Cute. It's like a little clue...")
So NOW my next trip to see my sweet sista in NYC would be after tax season, of course. (Freakin tax season.) So end of April beginning of May, warmer weather, no snow. I'm starting my shopping stash now. I'm gonna start stock piling my pennies!
Kenny, o brother, avid Tom Hanks fan, wanna be starter of a scooter gang - you can begin the "seething with jealousy" phase of your day. Or you could start saving your pennies too...
See ya in a few months Tommy! That is unless the world really does end December 21th. That's just one more reason why that would really suck....
Yes that is correct it is Thursday and it is time for another episode of Thuper Thong Thurthday. This week I'm feeling a little mleh so I have been listening to a lot of mellow, mellow music. A lot of Mumford & Sons and the like. I will now be showing you some of the mellow-ness I have been playing lately to make it through the day...
Also, I noticed that having the full video posted made MY browser a little laggy. Not a lot laggy but enough to irritate the 60 FPS needing nerd inside me. So I have opted for a "click the link, new tab" method. Let me know which way you prefer and I will act accordingly.
I will also be posting all live versions of these songs that I love. Makes it feel more...organic (too hippy??) Screw it. Organic.
My new favorite band is named Monsters Calling Home. From what I have gathered it is a group of Koreans from Los Angeles and they don't have a very big following...yet. I liked this band so much I actually BOUGHT their EP. That's right will real world dollars. Now, being the poor person that I am, I do not do this very often (very sad to admit that). This band is absolutely amazing. Currently this song, Foxbeard, is my favorite. But you should listen to all of the stuff they have, it's out of this world good.
Another New Favorite:
This next band I found labeled as The Last Bison. The when I went to their website it was only Bison. Either way, I love this damn song. It's got just the right amount of folky mountainess that I just love, and his voice is just raspy and soothing in the right amounts. Awesome band. Great song.
An Old Favorite:
This band is named Horse Feathers. This is another band I found due to Tiny Desk Concerts. Great show. This guy's voice is sometimes (most times) hard to understand because it is very, very soft. But it is an extremely good soft. This is the whole Tiny Desk Concert, but the first song, Working Poor, is the one I would like you to hear. If you listened to the rest, well, that'd be ok too.
Popular Mellow Songs I'm Loving Right This Second:
First up is the Avett Brothers. They are good stuff. They also follow this Thursday's theme and are kind of mountain-y mellow. I think this is a really beautiful song that everyone should know...
Second is Cough Syrup by Young The Giant. It is just catchy and non mountain-y. So if you were sick of the banjos, here is your respite. Enjoy.
That's it for this week folks. Let me know what you guys think of the list in the comment box below.
This weeks playlist was brought to you by Ken & Pat Tarver for birthing me and listeners like you. I am net-casting out of my apartment in Sunny Lake Charles, LA. Thanks for listening to KKNY. Good luck. Over...and out.
From the Cup of Jo blog I saw this on the above blog that I follow. It's an army green military jacket from Urban Outfitters. I WANT this soooo badly. I'd like to find a cheaper version, but I've not found the perfect one just yet, and have suspended the search the last few weeks due to work. Incidentally, I like the little bag too, just have no idea what I'd keep with me that is so light. I'm a pack-it-all-in-case-I-need-it kinda girl.
I'd pair this jacket with these boots
Troopers by Steve Madden. and I'm on the hunt for cozy socks...maybe in aztec looking prints..maybe not...we shall see.
Why Lord Why must I budget???
Nothing much going on here...we had an almost "Coat catastrophe" where John said I left his jacket in Louisiana and took Anthony's by mistake...when in fact, that was not the case and he had to apologize ...twice!! Sherry and I hypothesized that after he tried it on, there was some of this going on.......
Which is why he felt it belonged to Anthony....
I have been assured this is not the case ( he tried it on to prove it) and now there is a hit out on Sherry....(chick in glasses)....
Stay hidden ma souer...Guido the hit guy is coming.....you never know he might hit on you...could be a good thing. Happy Humpday....no pun intended!!
Today is the Psyche Marathon on cloo TV...I must admit that I love these two guys. Best sitcom in ages. Those of you that are smartasses as well will agree. So I will be partaking in the marathon whilst working today...for background funnies.
The last week or so I have been kind of stuck in the apartment, much to the dismay of my very vocal canine...COOPER..sad huh?
But the television has provided ample entertainment, which is unusual. Normally, I'm jamming to tunes. Here are a few of the oldies but goodies that we've viewed during the week.
The Ref with Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey. Hands down the funnies stuff ever. Favorite quote......'your husbands not dead lady, he's hiding...'
The Money Pit. Favorite quote is '....You WHORE...' I can't get it outta my head. Hilarious!
And My Big Fat Greek Wedding....'.....what do you mean he don't eat no meat?...Oh that's ok, I make lamb...'
This weekend we bought a HUGE pumpkin and plan an extravagant carving...we'll see if we nail it.
Here's the before picture....yes the hubby buckled it in so it got home safe and sound.
we plan a scary one...but I found these on pinterest..
I have decided to copy Christy (sorry, but not really) and do a weekly song update. Let you guys see what I've been bumping lately. I have wide tastes so I will preface each song with a little quip about why i like it and what not. Like Christy. I am having a little trouble on the number of songs I want to do. My initial inkling is to do 3 or 5. We'll see...I have some current favs. This may be a problem. Ok sadly it came down to eight. I'm sorry. BUT I will group them so it will work =)
Okay now for the inaugural Thuper Thong Thurthday #1:
Mellow-tron of awesomeness: First I'm going to start with a little Basia Bulat. She's polish and I love her song called 'The Shore'. Now this video is her set on a vlog called Tiny Desk Concerts (which is just swell) The Shore is the first song she plays.
For the 2nd song in the Mellow portion of our show I will be choosing Question By The Old '97s. Which sort of reminds me of the old 96er and that's just grand. Good song too.
Now this track is an instrumental that I like jamming on a good night drive (Sherry you know what I'm talking about.) It's not for everyone but I hope you dig it. This is Lament for Morning by Raleigh Moncrief.
This first track is just upbeat and jamming. That's why I like it. A good driving song. Amazing by The Mystery Skulls. With He-Man in the background too!!
This is one of my new very, very favorites. Mouthful of Diamonds - Phantogram. Another VERY good night driving song.
Indie Cred-Check:
This band I can thank Erin for turning me onto (and making me see live, great show). They have pretty awesome lyrics and the more you listen the better it gets, or if you don't like it at first you start to like it more. His voice might be a little "acquired taste" but I like it. This is Pensacola by the Manchester Orchestra
Now this song I can't even explain why I like it as much as I do. The guitar tone. The minimalist approach. I just like it. Little Comets - Bridge Burn.
Just for the Eldest:
Now this is just for the eldest living in the upper regions of the country (Sherry can enjoy it too) But everytime I hear it I think about ya =) Stay warm... Thank you for listening KKNY out of Lake Chuck LA. Broadcasting over the internet via my apartment. Good luck and over and out.
Well I missed Musical Monday, because I couldn't get myself together. So, it's been moved to Tuesday this week.
For today's musical selection we have Wait...by M83. I am really loving this song. It's dreamy and groovy, which is the mood I've been in lately. When I first came out here, I was a little taken aback by the radio stations around here. I was expecting greatness being so close to the city. Unfortunately, everyone is into the pop scene and whatever music makes you turn your white baseball cap to the side and drop your trousers 6 inches...whatever THAT music is...everyone seems to be listening to it. Stereotypes are alive and well here!
BUT....I happened upon 101.9 out of NYC and they play all alternative music, which is awesome.
So I have a couple of songs we should all hear.....If you run by The Boxer Rebellion....is not a new song, still great. I think it's the cover of a Drew Barrymore film, Going the Distance.... movie is ok...song is great. My opinion.
and last but not least....Lisztomania by Pheonix. I just like it, no reason I can think of.
This little black dog is in super big trouble. We ran to the grocery store and the turkey climbed onto my desk and snagged a bag of, chewed a hole through, and ate ALL of these....
from here....
that actually belonged to this guy:
So he's in doggy trouble.
This one sat by and let it happen........Have a great day guys!!