Tuesday, April 14, 2015

When You Just Need A Late Night Drive

I am up late.  Can't sleep.  In the past, on a cool night, I would take a drive.  No destination, no set time.  I would just put on some music and drive for as long as I felt was necessary.  I found that on these trips mellow electronic music was what I favored.  I would drive down roads I've never been down.  Drive over to cities close by.  Just drive around town for a couple of hours.  It was very cathartic.

I highly suggest you pick a clear, cool night.  Put this playlist on and just drive around your town.

Night Drive Playlist
Twitter For Playlists

Close To Home

Don't Wanna Be Your Girl - Wet

The song that inspired the playlist.  It just felt like the kind of sad, mellow, electronic-y song I love to drive along a dark road listening to.  This was a recent discovery, one that I am very thankful for.  It grabbed me right away and didn't let go for three minutes.

 Not Sure What This Is About

Saint Claude - Christine & The Queens

 I think you should really just watch the video for this.  The singer's interpretive dance to this song is just an exercise in borderline lanky beauty.  

 Saint Claude Interpretive Dance

A Very Good Cover

Seasons (Waiting On You) - Mansionair

A band picture for this group was a little harder to come by.  At least I was having a hard time confirming that the pictures I was finding were in fact this band.  I decided on a screen cap of the live performance that this song was ripped from.   

It definitely has a more mellow feel than the original, but it brings a sexy groove to the song.  Almost sensual, which seems odd, given the song.  Amazing either way.

A Decoupage of Sound


Coffee - Sylvan Esso

There are a lot of different sounds going on in this song.  Shakers.  Bells.  Kicks.  Bass.  Chirps.  Clinks.  Cold coffee.  Get up.  Get down.

For no reason whatsoever the beginning reminds me of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.  Can't shake it.  My baby does the hanky panky.  Trolly!!


Operate - ASTR

I think I first heard this song on TripleJ's Top 100 songs of 2014.   I find that heavy bass and a woman singing is what draws me to music.  I wonder if I am getting stuck in a rut, musically speaking.  

I don't actually care, I really like this song and woman singers.  So bite me.  


Promises - The Range

Why is this one guy called The Range?  I don't know.  Probably because it is popular in music these days for a single person to not go by their name, but have a band name.  A one man band name.  

I usually don't have a problem with this.  There are many solo artists that I enjoy that are under band names.  City and Colour is one.  La Roux could be considered one if you completely ignore the other person in the band that no seems to know about (I got you Ben Langmaid).  Seriously don't forget about the forgotten.  La Roux is two people, not just Elly Jackson.  Ben Langmaid is important.  

While we are on the subject, Fred Noonan.  Who is that you ask?  That was Amelia Earhart's navigator.  He too went missing.   Roger Peterson was the pilot of the plane crashed killing Richie Valens, The Big Bopper and Buddy Holly.  He was only 21.  I'm sure SOMEONE missed him.  

Remember the forgotten.  Yeah.


Bizness - The tUnE yArDs

Truly a great band live.  Also a very visually striking band.  I was dying in the Texas summer heat, but this band definitely made it bearable.  

Also the lead singer of this band gets some shit for being hairy.  I dig it, I think she's hot.  She has  body hair.  People have that.  Truly, we're apes.  All of us have it.

Deal with it.

Bang Bang

Gun - Chvrches

Speaking of hot...grrrrrrrrrrrooooowwwwwwl.  I want me some of that.  I mean he's wearing a damn Ray Stanz shirt.  That was the moment the world was first introduced to Slimer.  I'm kidding.  I do love it when he sings Under the Tide though.  Truly a great moment at FreePress 2014.

I love this whole band.  They have just shot their way into my heart.  Plus I love Lauren Mayberry.  I love this whole band, Iain Cook and Martin Doherty included.  Learn the people's names folks.  There are more members in bands than lead singers.  Just sayin'.

Also, one day I will be able to type this band's name without hitting the V and the U.  It seems to be some sort of mental block.

End It Bouncy

Up All Night - French Horn Rebellion

So many questions.  Why that headband?  Is the guy in the back an aristocrat?  Are those shoulder straps?  Why french horns?  Why AREN'T there any french horns?  

Either way this ends the playlist on a bouncy note.  Gotta bring it up after a drive listening to sad, slow music.  This is the song I play right before I park at home and get out and try one more time to get some sleep.  

Night all.