Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

I am the proud new owner of the Canon  SX40 HS!  Thanks to our wonderful parents! I'm super excited to learn how to use that sucker, now!   I'm about to go and do that!

Then after I take my great photos, I will be smashing them into my new Smash Book! Which I am SUPER excited about ! Thanks Kenners and Momma!

These aren't my actual Smash Books. I didn't get six of them! But I did get 2!!

Doesn't it look fun??  You want one now too, huh? Still no? Wait watch this...

SEE?? It would be perfect for tickets from the shows you go see, pics of the beach and the German Pub you visited.  Or maybe for the Central Park bird feathers...just sayin.

And then I also got some pretty fabric so that I could make these:
tonic living sweet william teal fabric

 I'm having a much better 40th birthday that I anticipated.  I was terribly depressed for about a week, and even now I get twinges of awfulness. But, I'm too excited about my camera and new scrapbook to be too upset!


  1. OOh nice camera! I am very glad for you. You take good pictures, so enjoy!!

    Did you get all the tapes and stickers and stuff with the smash books too? It looks like fun.

  2. Thanks Thanks! I love it. I've been trying to figure out aperture and all that crap. I'm uber glad that I have an auto right now, cuz I'd be frustrated! So I've been reading all the pinteresty blogs about taking pics.

    And I did get all the stickery stuffs! I wanna go and buy some more stickery stuffs! I need to take some good pics so I can do some pages. I really like uploading pics to and running over there to pic up my one picture for less than a quarter. hahaha.

  3. I kinda want a smash book myself. I also don't like the way that the pics aren't really sizing themselves properly. I have picture bleed over into my menu...

    This must be rectified...
